Built for you

C3 Carbon

We provide Carbon Offset Carbon Trading API Integration Energy Efficiency


About Us

C3 Carbon

A Swiss Knife fo carbon markets

We are a highly experienced partner when it comes to environmental commodities, with a proven track record in both the EU ETS and voluntary carbon markets. Our extensive knowledge in these areas, coupled with our long-standing expertise, make us a trusted ally for businesses seeking to mitigate their environmental impact and promote sustainable practices.

With offices located across the globe, we are able to provide our clients with localized support and customized solutions that meet their unique needs and goals. Our team is comprised of talented professionals with diverse backgrounds, including environmental science, policy, and finance, who bring a wealth of expertise to every project.

We are the perfect business partner

Whether your aim is to reduce your carbon footprint, comply with regulatory requirements, or gain a competitive edge in your industry, we have the know-how and resources to help you achieve your objectives. Through collaboration and innovation, we can support you in becoming a frontrunner in the fight against climate change, and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Who we are

We are a coalition of companies, each with unique backgrounds, that strategically merged resources to harness technology in the fight against climate change. By working together, we aim to create innovative solutions that not only reduce the negative impact of climate change, but also generate economic value and growth.

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  • What we do

    Our Services

    Whether your aim is to reduce your carbon footprint, comply with regulatory requirements, or gain a competitive edge in your industry, we have the know-how and resources to help you achieve your objectives. Through collaboration and innovation, we can support you in becoming a frontrunner in the fight against climate change, and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

  • Carbon Trading

    Our assistance enables you to meet the requirements of the EU, CH, or UK ETS schemes and attain carbon neutrality, while also helping you achieve the United Nations' sustainable development goals.

    C3 Carbon offers comprehensive support to companies worldwide to ensure their compliance with environmental regulations. With over a decade of experience in both the compliance and non-compliance markets, we remain up to date with the latest legislative developments and are committed to helping you meet your environmental obligations.

    Our services are designed to help you achieve compliance in the most cost-effective manner, with prompt delivery and hassle-free settlement. Our experienced global team provides the necessary guidance and support to ensure your environmental and regulatory compliance without putting a strain on your existing resources or operations.

    At C3 Carbon, we understand that compliance can be a complex and time-consuming process. That's why we're here to simplify the process for you, so you can focus on what you do best - running your business. Trust us to be your partner in navigating the ever-changing landscape of environmental regulations and achieving compliance with ease.

  • Carbon Offset

    Through the voluntary carbon market (VCM), participants are able to procure carbon credits to offset greenhouse gas emissions arising from their manufacturing processes, transportation, and electricity consumption.

    The voluntary carbon market (VCM) is a platform that enables participants to procure carbon credits, with the aim of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions resulting from various activities, such as manufacturing processes, electricity usage, and transportation. It is a market that encourages the financing of activities that lead to the reduction of GHG emissions. Over time, companies have increasingly leveraged independently verified emissions reductions (VERs) as a way to tackle climate change on a global scale.

    The most commonly traded credits in the VCM are VERs and VCUs. These credits represent the removal of one ton of CO2 from the atmosphere. VERs and VCUs are issued to project developers that undertake initiatives aimed at reducing emissions through afforestation, reforestation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy projects. For companies that choose to retire these credits, carbon offsetting becomes a feasible option.

    By purchasing these carbon credits, companies can support the development of these environmental projects, while simultaneously offsetting their own GHG emissions. This allows companies to effectively mitigate their carbon footprint, while also contributing to the overall reduction of GHG emissions. The VCM has thus become an important mechanism in the global fight against climate change.

    In recent years, the VCM has gained significant momentum, with an increasing number of companies seeking to participate in this market. This has led to the development of various certification programs and standards, aimed at ensuring the credibility and effectiveness of the projects funded through the VCM. As the world continues to grapple with the challenge of climate change, the voluntary carbon market is set to play a crucial role in achieving a sustainable and resilient future.

  • API Integrations

    Introducing our innovative API service for carbon offsets - a powerful tool designed to support businesses in their efforts to offset their carbon footprint

    Introducing our innovative API service for carbon offsets - a powerful tool designed to support businesses in their efforts to offset their carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change.

    Our API service is a simple yet powerful interface that allows businesses to purchase carbon offsets in real-time. By integrating our API with your systems, you can easily calculate the carbon emissions generated by your business activities and instantly purchase carbon credits to offset them.

    With our API, you gain access to a wide range of carbon offset projects, including those focused on afforestation, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and more. Each project is carefully vetted to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality, transparency, and effectiveness, providing you with confidence that your offset purchases are making a genuine impact.

    Our API service is designed to be flexible and easy to use, with user-friendly documentation and support available to help you get started quickly. You can customize the API to meet your specific needs, allowing you to seamlessly integrate it into your existing systems and workflows.

    By using our API service for carbon offsets, you can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. This can help to enhance your brand reputation, build customer loyalty, and attract new business opportunities, while also contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.

    Choose our API service for carbon offsets, and take a step towards a sustainable future for your business and the planet.

  • Energy Efficency

    We are a prominent energy services provider, possesses an extensive range of technical knowledge and expertise.

    C3 Carbon is a reputable energy services provider that is dedicated to supporting your energy management needs with precision and professionalism. With years of experience and a team of experts in the field, we are equipped to offer comprehensive solutions that are customized to fit your requirements.

    Our company specializes in a wide range of energy efficiency services, from the design and implementation of custom energy projects to the operation and maintenance of new equipment. We believe that the most effective solutions must be developed objectively and transparently, which is why we take great care to consider all the factors that could influence your energy management project.

    At C3 Carbon, we understand that managing energy costs can be a significant challenge for businesses of all sizes. As such, we strive to help companies identify the most suitable budget-neutral solutions that put energy-efficient upgrades within financial reach. By reducing energy consumption and generating valuable cost savings, our energy efficiency services help our clients enhance their bottom line while contributing to a more sustainable future.

    Our approach is based on a deep understanding of the latest industry trends, regulations, and technologies, ensuring that you receive the most up-to-date and comprehensive services. Our team of experts is constantly learning, evolving, and exploring new ways to improve our services to meet your changing energy management needs.

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